Our Platform

As a former nurse and now Certified Personal Trainer & Holistic Nutritionist it is my goal and passion to optimize the health of my clients on a mind, body and spirit level. 

Empowering the client to cultivate power and mastery over their relationship with self, through structured combination of physical training and nutritional practices tailored to the their unique and individual needs.

Coach Kristi Jean

Our virtual coaching programs are female based, and created with the intention to optimize and focus on both internal and external health of each and every client. 

Through a three-tier nutritional and physical training system, the client is able to choose a package based on their individual needs, lifestyle and current schedule. 

We pride ourselves on the holistic approach toward mastering the art of wellness – the mind and body as one. 


Optimizing health through a systemic approach: spiritual, mental and physical.

From physical training, to nutritional practices, breathing techniques, and methods for stress reduction, all the way to identifying embedded nutritional barriers to success, emotional eating patterns, and stress-related weight gain – we cover it all in our monthly packages.

Whether you are looking to lose fat, gain muscle through body re-composition or simply create the healthiest version of yourself – you’ve found your program!


Our Team

Coach Kristi Jean

Kristi Littau

Holistic Nutritionist
Personal Trainer
Health and Nutrition Coach
Weight Loss Specialist
Integrated Core Trainer

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